How Long Ice Bath For Weight Loss


If you’re looking to shed some pounds, you might be wondering if ice baths could help. The truth is, there isn’t one set answer for how long you should stay in an ice bath for weight loss. It depends on your tolerance for cold and personal preferences. However, scientific studies have shown that cold water immersion can activate weight loss in several ways.

Tim Ferriss, in his book “The 4-Hour Body,” wrote about his discovery of how ice baths can burn calories and keep you trim. He advised his readers who want to lose weight to take ice baths three times a week.

But how exactly can ice baths help with weight loss? Here are some ways in which cold water therapy can cause you to lose weight:

Forcing the Body to Burn Calories

When your body’s core temperature plummets, it has to find alternative ways to keep warm. Your body will start burning up calories to stay warm, which can help with weight loss. A study conducted at the University of Nottingham found evidence that cold temperatures affect the fat tissue in our bodies.

Forcing Stem Cells to Create Brown Fat Cells

Cold water therapy forces stem cells in the body to create brown fat cells instead of white. Brown fat cells are metabolically active and can burn or oxidize the white fat tissues in the body. Your body is also forced to burn up more of its energy reserve (white fat cells), causing you to lose weight.

Activating Brown Adipose and Muscles

Taking a cold plunge in an ice barrel can activate the brown adipose and muscles in your body. Once activated, Irisin and FGF will be released. These two hormones burn up the white fat tissues resulting in weight loss.

A study conducted by Dr. Paul Lee, an endocrinologist at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, proved that this theory was true. During his research, he found that when exposed to cold and exercise, the levels of irisin and FGF were higher. Specifically, 10-15 minutes of shivering increased the release of this hormone to a level that was identical to what you would get from an hour of moderate exercise.

How to Perform an Ice Bath for Weight Loss

While ice baths can be effective for weight loss, it’s important to know how to take them properly. Here are some tips on taking an ice bath:

  1. Start with a warm-up: Before taking an ice bath, warm up by doing some light exercises or stretching. This will help prepare your muscles for the cold temperatures.
  2. Fill the tub with cold water: Fill a bathtub with cold water, enough to cover your body.
  3. Add ice: Add several bags of ice to the water to lower the temperature.
  4. Get in: Slowly lower your body into the water, starting with your feet and working your way up.
  5. Stay in for 2-15 minutes: Stay in the ice bath for 2-15 minutes. During this time, focus on deep breathing to help your body adjust to the cold temperatures.
  6. Warm up: After the ice bath, warm up by taking a warm shower or wrapping yourself in a warm blanket.


While ice baths can be a helpful addition to a weight loss routine, they aren’t a magic solution. It’s essential to remember that weight loss hinges largely on a change in lifestyle, exercise, and eating better. However, cold water therapy can certainly help activate weight loss in the body. If you’re interested in trying an ice bath for weight loss, start slowly and build up your tolerance over time. And as always, consult with a medical professional before starting any new treatment.

how long ice bath for weight loss
how long ice bath for weight loss
how long ice bath for weight loss
how long ice bath for weight loss


How often should you take an ice bath to lose weight?

Tim Ferriss wrote about his discovery of how ice baths can help you lose weight and stay trim in his book “The 4-Hour Body.” He continued by advising his readers to take three weekly ice baths if they want to lose weight.

Is an ice bath good for losing weight?

According to a recent study, ice baths may aid in body fat reduction. Exposure to cold water also seems to guard against insulin resistance and diabetes Other health benefits were less clear, however.

How many calories does a 10 minute ice bath burn?

According to research, exposure to cold only slightly speeds up metabolism, adding 10–20 calories to the total calories burned during a 10-minute cold shower.

How much fat do ice baths burn?

Particularly, irisin is elevated by 10-15 minutes of shivering to the point where it has the same impact as an hour of moderate exercise. Dr. Lee also discovered that while the same amount of brown fat could burn up to 300 kilocalories per day, 50 grams of white fat could store more than 300 kilocalories of energy.


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