Do Ice Baths Help Shin Splints


do ice baths help shin splints

Shin splints are a common injury among athletes, runners, and even non-athletes. The pain and discomfort associated with shin splints can be debilitating and can greatly affect one’s daily routine. As someone who has experienced shin splints, I know how frustrating it can be to find a solution that works. However, I discovered that sharing my personal experience with others can help them find a remedy for their shin splints as well.

How did you get shin splints and how did they affect your life?

I got shin splints from running. It started as a minor pain, but over time, it became more severe, affecting my ability to run and even walk without pain. I found myself constantly taking painkillers just to manage the discomfort. The pain was so severe that I had to take a break from running and any high-impact activity.

How did you discover ice baths as a remedy for shin splints?

One day, while browsing online for remedies for shin splints, I stumbled upon a blog post that recommended ice baths. I was skeptical at first, but I decided to give it a try. I filled a bucket with cold water and ice and submerged my legs for about 15 minutes. To my surprise, the pain and discomfort eased significantly.

How often and how long did you use ice baths for shin splints?

I used ice baths twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, for about 15 minutes each time. I made sure to use cold water and ice, as it helps to reduce inflammation and numb the pain.

What results did you notice from using ice baths for shin splints?

After a few days of using ice baths, I noticed a significant improvement in my condition. The pain and discomfort reduced considerably, and I was able to walk and even run without any issues. I continued to use ice baths for a few weeks until the pain completely subsided.

What other steps did you take to recover from shin splints?

Apart from ice baths, I took a few other steps to recover from shin splints. I made sure to stretch before and after exercise, wear proper footwear, and avoid high-impact activities that could cause further damage. I also consulted a physiotherapist, who recommended exercises to strengthen my muscles and improve my posture.

In conclusion, sharing my personal experience with others who are suffering from shin splints has been beneficial for me and them. Ice baths are a simple and effective remedy for shin splints, and I highly recommend them to anyone experiencing this condition. However, it’s important to note that different remedies work for different people, and it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional before trying anything new.


How long should you do an ice bath for shin splints?

Try to spend as much time as you can in the ice bath, but no more than 15 minutes. It is advised to exercise for the recommended 15 minutes without straining your body.

Is ice or heat better for shin splints?

While heat can exacerbate inflammation, icing your shins several times a day can significantly reduce pain and swelling when it comes to treating shin splints.

What is the fastest way to relieve shin splints?

Rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE) method
  1. Rest. Avoid all activities that make your pain, swelling, or discomfort worse by resting.
  2. Ice. Apply ice packs to your shins for periods of 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Compression. To lessen swelling near your shins, consider putting on a calf compression sleeve.
  4. Elevation.

Does the cold make shin splints worse?

While shin splints can occur at any time of the year, the cold can be a significant trigger. When you run or engage in another outdoor physical activity in the winter, frozen, hard surfaces can exert more force and pressure on your legs. This additional strain may exacerbate or worsen shin splint pain.