Can Ice Baths Help Lose Weight


Ice Baths at Paleo Weight Loss Retreat Thailand - Phuket Retreat

With so much new information available online, cold water therapy has been the subject of numerous questions and controversies. One of the most searched topics on Google in recent times is whether or not ice baths burn fat. The short answer to that question is YES, cold water therapy does help with weight loss, but there’s more to it than a simple yes.

What Is Cold Water Therapy?

Cold water therapy is the practice of immersing parts of the body or the full body into freezing water. Although it has existed for millennia and has been used to treat muscle fatigue among other health ailments, the evolution of technology has made several improvements and modifications to the practice of cold therapy.

What Are the Benefits of Cold Water Therapy?

More research has come to light with the evolution of cold water therapy, and it shows that cold therapy is an effective remedy for some chronic diseases and the general well-being of a patient. Cold water therapy works wonders as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Taking a cold plunge can reduce inflammation and numb muscle soreness, making your post-workout routine less painful while also significantly reducing your recovery time. Other benefits of cold water therapy include increasing your body’s positive immune response and parasympathetic nervous system stimulation. Ice baths can also be applied as non-pharmaceutical support for patients battling depression, stress, and abnormal mood swings.

Can Ice Baths Help with Weight Loss?

While weight loss largely hinges on a change in lifestyle, exercise, and eating better, the way you take a bath has also been scientifically proven to have an impact. Tim Ferriss, in his book “The 4-Hour Body,” wrote about his discovery of how ice baths can burn calories and keep you trim. He went on to advise his readers who want to lose weight to take ice baths three times a week.

But how can ice baths make you lose weight?

Making the body’s core temperature plummet forces the body to find alternative ways to keep warm. When your body temperature declines, it burns calories to stay warm. Another study supports this theory and shows that cold temperatures affect the fat tissue in our bodies. Cold water therapy forces stem cells in the body to create brown fat cells instead of white. Brown fat cells are metabolically active and can burn or oxidize the white fat tissues in the body. Your body is also forced to burn up more of its energy reserve (white fat cells), causing you to lose weight.

Taking a cold plunge can activate the brown adipose and muscles in your body. Once activated, Irisin and FGF will be released. These two hormones burn up the white fat tissues resulting in weight loss.

Dr. Paul Lee, an endocrinologist at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, proved that this theory was true. In 2014, Dr. Lee began a study of brown fat tissue at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). During the course of his research, he found that when exposed to cold and exercise, the levels of irisin and FGF were higher. Specifically, 10-15 minutes of shivering increased the release of this hormone to a level that was identical to what you would get from an hour of moderate exercise.

Dr. Lee also discovered that 50 grams of white fat can store more than 300 kilocalories, and the same amount of brown fat can burn up to about 300 kilocalories per day.

Try an Ice Bath for Weight Loss

Weight loss management can be a challenging journey, and it requires a lot of self-discipline and dedication. Cold water therapy can make things easier. By harnessing the benefits of cold therapy, you can not only maintain your fitness goals but also enjoy other benefits, as mentioned earlier. Along with adequate exercise, dietary adjustments, and other lifestyle improvements, adding cold water therapy to the mix will make your weight loss journey more efficient. 

How to Use Ice Baths for Weight Loss

Before jumping straight into an ice bath, it’s essential to note that it can be dangerous if not done correctly. So, what are the proper guidelines for taking an ice bath?

First, fill your bathtub with cold water (not too cold) and then add ice cubes until the water is just above freezing temperature (around 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Celsius). You can add Epsom salt to the water to help reduce inflammation and soreness.

Next, you should immerse your body into the cold water for 10-15 minutes. The ideal time to take an ice bath is right after a workout when your muscles are still warm. This is because your body temperature will already be high, making it easier to adjust to the cold water.

Remember to breathe deeply and slowly during the ice bath. This can help reduce the sensation of coldness and keep you relaxed. It’s also important to note that if you start shivering during the ice bath, it’s time to get out.


In conclusion, ice baths can help with weight loss by forcing your body to burn more calories to stay warm and by activating brown fat cells that can burn white fat tissues. Along with other lifestyle improvements, cold water therapy can make your weight loss journey more efficient. However, it’s crucial to take safety precautions when taking an ice bath to avoid any adverse effects.


How often should you take ice baths for weight loss?

Tim Ferriss wrote about his discovery of how ice baths can help you lose weight and stay trim in his book “The 4-Hour Body.” He continued by advising his readers to take three weekly ice baths if they want to lose weight.

How many calories does a 10 minute cold bath burn?

According to research, exposure to cold only slightly speeds up metabolism, adding 10–20 calories to the total calories burned during a 10-minute cold shower.

Can ice reduce belly fat?

It’s important to know that strapping an ice pack to your stomach — or any other area, for that matter — won’t provide safe and effective fat removal Frostbite can occur if you repeatedly apply ice to your skin. Pain.

Do you burn calories from an ice bath?

Regularly submerging yourself in cold water can help to increase the effectiveness and strength of your brown fat. This key point can potentially help you lose weight. You will likely burn more calories after getting out of the cold water as long as you don’t eat more to make up for the urge to snack.


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